Articoli correlati


  1. 1

    Kaj Madsen

    Dear Michele Chimenti,

    Please allow me a couple of questions:

    -Is it possible to establish the meaning of the great letter A om the bolognini’es (figs. 1E and 1F)?

    -Is the letter A perhaps an icon for the university of Bologna, Alma Mater Studiorum?

    -Is the bolognini 1380-1443 issued by the university?

    My best Regards, thanks in advance,


  2. 2


    Dear Mr.Kaj,
    I’ve forwarded your questions to Mr.Chimenti. Will post here his reply, if we get it.
    Kind Regards,

  3. 3

    costanza baiocco

    When did the word “baiocco” first appear in Italy?


  4. 4


    vorrei contattare collezionisti per scambi monete,io colleziono monete dello stato pontificio zecca di bologna grazie

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